Troop Camp @ Little Bennett
This camp was special, it was the first time Brian Mach hosted and planned a camping trip also it was primarily the new scouts. This camp will foreshadow the state of the troop once all the older scouts leave.
During the camping trip, our scouts learned and practiced orientering. We were all split into three groups, each having a different set of directions. Thankfully no one got lost. After that, totin chip was taught to all the new scouts. Totin chip has three parts: Saw, knife, and axe. The instructors were Mason Huynh with Lewis Nguyen as his assistant for pocket knife. The axe instructor was Thanh Luu, and the saw instructor was Brian Nguyen. After which all scouts split into groups again to be taught when to use a light-weight stove and a camp stove, how to handle and transport food, dishwashing procedures, and when to make a campfire.
With that knowledge in mind, all the scouts dispersed to their respective patrols to begin cooking. Beo made macaroni and cheese, Rong made pasta and sausages, Ung and Ho worked together to make Teriyaki noodles, and Gau Trang made macaroni and cheese as well. Tr. Thinh also contributed meatballs to our pasta filled potluck.
After we had campfire with Nathan Ngo and Thanh Luu handling the fire MCed by Brian Mach. We had rounds of songs provided by Tr. Son. Then followed Ho and Ung who had skit on ABC improv with its performers being Mason Huynh and Lewis Nguyen. Then Rong also did ABC improv with its performers being Brian Nguyen and David Le. Beo then made a skit about what you can do with pasta. Gau Trang also did made a game for trios to practice synchronization. Then we had rounds of bang hosted by Brian Mach and another game where people have to guess who has a stick behind their back. We then all disperse and went to our tents for the night.
Up in the morning we had all our campsites cleaned up and closing and all went home. Overall, the camp was booked as a success, and many appreciated the pace the camp had unlike many other camps. Also goes to show that Brian Mach is a reliable leader that the troop has at its disposal.