LD Potomac 25 Year Anniversary

We practiced hard and long for our performances for a few weeks. Now, we get to show everyone our hard work.
Our celebration started promptly at 11:00am with a flag ceremony. Right after the ceremony were speeches from Tr Truc. Afterwards were the awards for Wood Badge. Tr Truc and Tr Peter were the recipients of this award. After the awards were the performances by the scouts.

The Venturing Crew did a slide show of their accomplishments over the past 5 years. The Boy and Girl Troops did a “Một Mẹ Trăm Con” play and a ‘Dầu Xanh, the Asian cure-all’ skit. The Girl Scouts did the well coordinated bamboo dance. The Cub Scouts perform a fast paced modern dance to the tune of “Boom Boom Bang Bang” music.

After the performances were the closing ceremony. Everyone was glad that we did a good job with our performances. Shortly after that, we had lunch.
During lunch, the scouts were entertained by VoViNam. It was exciting to see these martial arts students jump and kick. Some of them even get to break wooden boards.

After lunch, the parents were entertained by a band. Scouts went to the gym where we played volleyball, basketball, or just talked to friends.