PLC Service Day at ManorCare
On Saturday January 20th, the Troop PLC went to ManorCare Nursing Center and helped the residents play bingo. Every member of the PLC paired up with one or two residents and helped them play bingo by spotting the numbers and putting the markers on the places needed. We also talked to the residents there.
I learned many things about the residents I was paired with, such as the fact that they were also boy scouts when they were younger. Scouts and residents had lots of fun playing bingo, and there were many memorable personalities there, such as the announcer, who told me to yell BINGO louder when I won, which made everyone laugh. After a few rounds of bingo, our last game was called “blackout”, where instead of getting a row to win, you had to fill out your entire board, which was fun and confusing. It was funny when people forgot that you had to fill out the entire board, because about 8 calls in, Brian shouted “BINGO!” and everyone was surprised he got blackout so quickly, but it turns out he just got a normal bingo. Also, scouters took turns calling out the numbers, which was a fun experience for everyone.
Overall, it was a very fun and enjoyable experience, and I look forward to doing it again sometime!