Running “Back to Basics” Camp
Preparing the camp was one of the most unforgettable memories any of us could ever have.

Making the camp gate was fun when we collaborated to decorate the camp gate and pictures on it. It became dark very quickly and everyone was very tired. However, laughter and smiles never seemed to leave anyone’s faces. We were all stressed but our cheerfulness and excitement for this camp seemed to override the drowsiness. For the big games, it’s kind of interesting when we had to find out where the next station was based on the Morse code the games also challenged the teams a lot, it made them work together so that they could get as higher points as possible. It was great being able to see the Au and Tieu running around and having fun. Even though we couldn’t give prizes to all the teams they all tried their best and everyone “hopefully” had as much fun as we did.

To add to that, Allison even got the color shirt she wanted. We were pleasantly surprised by our amazing leader, Tr. Chau with STAFF SHIRTS!! Even though no one else “loved” the color of the shirt, it made us all happy that Allison was happy with it. Most of us thought our game was going to end horribly. However, it did make a turn for the better. The timing was pretty off. We all somehow got it to work anyway. I probably would have been better if we did icebreakers in the middle of each game to lessen the time gap. This way, the teams would get to know each other better. Even by the end of the day, half the kids didn’t even know the names of their patrol leader!
During dinner the food was great! It would have been even better if we were able to make our own contribution to the pot luck instead of having to rely on the parents for that. Even by the end of the day, we didn’t even have a skit prepared. With some fast thinking and some teamwork; Which include a lot of Jasmine, Allison, And Xuan-Anh we were able to make a rap. The rap we made was definitely “on point.” Allison and Anh spit fire so hot that the campfire looked like a spark. The skits were so much fun; we should have timed everything better before handing out the glow sticks. The glow sticks however, did keep the little kids up and about for another hour. It was very pretty seeing all the different types of colors in the crowd. The MC’s (Allison and Xuan- Anh) were great and brought happy vibes to everyone. The skits were hilarious and we had so many good laughs. everyone gathered around, tried to make fun with their skit and performances, especially was the boy scout seniors, their skit was kind of new way, that made me still remember till now. All the smiles present definitely made up for the cold nights and having each other just made everything better!
Thank You Tr. Chau for letting us run camp. Running camp contained a ton of blood, sweat, and tears but with the help of the leaders and the camp chiefs we were able to make a great camp with some little mistakes.